All of our staff are trained Legal professionals who care about every ones individual case.
We use cutting edge technologies and tools to ensure you get accurate results, quickly.
The lawyers at Abe are experts in their fields, and give you top quality assistant.
Abe is fundamentally changing the legal
service market Through Flat Fees,Easy Access, and Virtual Services
Welcome to Abe Legal!
We are here to help you schedule an appointment with one of our world-class lawyers.
The background information related to your case has been received. We're reviewing this information to match you with the best lawyer with Abe Legal based upon specialization and availability.
Once the appointment is confirmed by your Abe Legal lawyer, you can expect a calendar invite based on the times you've selected. If a time different than those you've proposed has to be considered, you can expect us to promptly contact you to confirm if that alternative time works for your schedule.
If you require any additional information, please contact me by email or our 24-hour support line at 202.517.6982 My colleagues and I are here to assist you day and night.
We look forward to assisting you to promptly schedule your appointment with one of Abe Legal's world-class lawyers!
Abe, Abe Legal Customer Relations Team
Abe, Abe Legal Customer Relations Team
Phone: 202.517.6982
©2024 TEC Law, Inc. d/b/a Abe Legal, All rights reserved.