Dozens of Howard University students spent over a month in the fall of 2021 protesting the Howard Administration led by Dr. Wayne Frederick. Their frustrations were caused by a lack of "livable" and nearby campus housing as well as the recent removal of elected Alumni, Faculty, and Student representatives to the Howard Board of Trustees. The students were pressured to end their protest without obtaining their demands. This is according to leaked reports of the "confidential agreement" between student protestors and the Howard Administration.
Yet, protests against Dr. Frederick and his Administration are not new.
While the protests have ended, at least two separate lawsuits have been filed against Howard University. A class-action lawsuit was filed by a student to address the deplorable condition of Howard campus housing. Another suit was filed by a group of alumni to challenge the University's elimination of elected alumni representatives from the board of trustees.
Yet, more can, and must be done. Howard University deserves leaders that put the interests of their main customers---students, parents, alumni, faculty and the community---above themselves.
How Long is the Campaign Expected to Last: We estimate that the campaign will require at least 7 months of effort. The aim is to crowd-fund this campaign through monthly installments from supporters. This effort has the potential to lead to much-needed transparency and the replacement of Howard's current leadership team.
Who's Leading the Campaign: This effort is being led by
Abe, a legal and health technology company, founded by a pair of Howard University alumni. After seeing the courageous students efforts to bring about change fall short, we knew that more could be done.
What Can I Expect After Signing Up: After signing up to support the Campaign, you can expect a welcome email, weekly Campaign updates, and codes for discounts for Abe Yoga and other Abe products based on your level of support.
Need More Information: Use this link to schedule a chat with Abe's Howard 2022 Campaign lead at a time that works best for you.
Question for You: What are you willing to spend to see Howard University live up to its great legacy and reputation?
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